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​​​​​​​​​The Forest and Reserves Act 41 of 1983

Act 41 of 1983-1 May 1984


short title
To amend and consolidate the law relating to forests, reserves and related matters
1 Short title
This Act may be cited as the Forests and Reserves Act 1983.
2 Interpretation
(1) In this Act-
"authorised officer" means a public officer entrusted by the Minister with
responsibility for carrying out all the functions specified in this Act;
"base line", in relation to a mountain range, means the line specified as such in the
first Schedule;
"Chief Surveyor" means the Chief Surveyor of the Ministry of Housing, Lands and
the Environment;
"Crown lands" includes land vested in the Curator;
"destroy" includes bark, break, burn, bury, cut, fell, saw, uproot;
"district" has the same meaning as in the Local Government Act 1989;
"escarpment" means the bank of a river, rivulet or feeder, the mean slope of which
makes an angle of net less than 60 degrees with the horizontal line;
"feeder" means the affluent of a river or rivulet;
"forest land" includes a national forest and all land which is not under cultivation
and which is covered by trees;
"forest officer" means any public officer authorised in writing by the authorised officer;
"forest produce" includes bark, charcoal, carat, creeper, earth, fandia, fibres, firewood,
fruit, grass, gum, honey, leaves, litter, moss, bird's nest, peat, plants, resin, roots,
Sand, sap, seeds, spices, stones, trees, wax, withies and any other thing which
the Minister may by regulations declare to be forest produce;
"game" has the same meaning as in the Wildlife Act;
"implement" includes any air rifle, bow and arrow, catapult, trap, noose, poison, axe,
hatchet, saw or other instrument capable of being used for destroying trees or
working timber;
"Minister" means the Minister to whom responsibility for the subject of forests is

"mountain range"
(a) means a mountain or mountain range specified in the First Schedule; and
(b) includes the main chain and all spurs pertaining to the system;
"mountain reserve" means land lying between the ridge fine and the mountain reserve
line on either side of a mountain range;
"mountain reserve line", in relation to a mountain reserve, means, subject to
subsection (2), a line situated on the side or slope of the mountain reserve at
an altitude which exceeds that of the base line by one third of the difference
of altitude between the ridge line and the base line;
"national forest" means a forest declared as such under section 4;
"nature reserve" means an area specified in the Second Schedule;
"occupier", in relation to immovable property-
(a) means the lessee;
(b) includes a person having possession of the property;
(a) includes a person having a legal interest in immovable property;
(b) does net include an occupier;
"Permanent Secretary" means the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Natural Resources;

"protected plant" means a plant or a class of plants specified in the Third Schedule;
"remove" means carry, convey, or take away in any manner;
"reserve" means a mountain, nature, river or road reserve;
"river" means a river specified in the Fourth Schedule;
"river reserve" means-
(a) where there is an escarpment, the land extending from the edge of a
watercourse to the top of the escarpment;
(b) where there is no escarpment, the land extending from the edge of a
watercourse to a distance measured on the horizontal plane-
(i) in the case of a river, of16 metres;
(ii) in the case of a rivulet, of 8 metres;
(iii) in the case of a feeder, of 3 metres;
"rivulet" means a rivulet specified in the Fourth Schedule;
"road" has the same meaning as in the Road act
"road reserve" means the land on each side of a road which forms part of the domaine
"stream" includes-
(a) any marsh or morass situated on Crown land from which a stream flows;
(b) any marsh or morass net situated on Crown land declared to be a stream by
the Minister, by regulations;
structure" includes fencing;

"tree" includes live or dead timber, shrubs, underwood, brushwood, bamboo, palm,
branches and twigs;
(a) means any tree which has been cut or has fallen down; and
(b) includes any timber or produce derived from a tree.
(2) For the purpose of determining a mountain reserve line-.
(a) a point in ridge line shall have for its corresponding point in the reserve
line a point lying in the same vertical plane as the point to be taken in the
base for the measurement of altitude;
(b) the line passing through points in the ridge, reserve and base fines shall be
the one which has least length in the horizontal projection;
(c) the reserve line shall-
(i) not be curved line;
(ii) be composed of a series of straight lines following generally the theoretic
line and neglecting its smaller sinuosities, drawn so as to ensure that
in the whole no additional area is given to the reserve for any one
property and that the reserve fine is in no case less than 60.96 metres
above the base fine.
3 Nature Reserves Board
(1) There is established a Nature Reserves Board which shall advise the Minister-
(a) on any area which, in the opinion of the Board, shall be a nature reserve; and
(b) generally on ail matters relating to nature reserves.
(2) The Board shall consist of- .
(a) the Permanent Secretary or his representative, who shall be the Chairman; and
(b) net less than 5 nor more than 8 other members appointed by the Minister
on such terms and conditions as he thinks fit.
(3) Subject to such directions as the Minister may give, the Board shall regulate its
meetings and procedure in such manner as it thinks fit.
4 National forest
(1) The Minister may, by regulation
(a) declare any Crown land which is a forest to be a national forest;
(b) specify the boundaries of every national forest.
(2) Any area declared to be a national forest shall be inalienable and shall not be
devoted to any use other than as forest land.
5 Survey of mountain reserves
(i) The Chief Surveyor may after giving not less than 10 day written notice to the
owner or occupier of a mountain reserve, by means of a survey determine the mountain reserve
line of a mountain range or the boundary of a mountain reserve
(2) Notwithstanding section 15 of the Land Surveyors Act a plan of every
subsection (i) shall be made and deposited in the Registry and endorsed by the registrar with the date of deposit.

(3) Every plan deposited under subsection (2) shall be open for inspection as soon as a notice to that effect is published by the Registrar in the Gazette and in three daily newspapers and for 30 days from the last publication of the notice
6 Appeal against survey
(1)Any person who is dissatisfied with a determination under section 5 which affects any property of which he is the owner or occupier may, within days 30 of the last publication of a notice under section 5, appeal against the determination to the Supreme Court within such time and in such manner as may be provided by rules made by the Supreme Court for the purpose.
(2) The Supreme Court may, on an appeal under subsection (i),make such order
as it thinks fit.

7 Deposit of survey and plan :
(1) The Registrar shall-
(a) within 30 days of the last publication of a notice under 'section 5; or'
(b) where an appeal is made under section 6, on the determination of the appeal,
deposit in the office of the Chief Surveyor, the survey and plan subject to such alterations
as may have been ordered, on appeal, by the Supreme Court
(2) In any proceedings relating to a mountain reserve, a copy of a plan deposited
under section 5 and signed by a surveyor may be received in evidence in lieu of the original plan.
8 Removal of trees and brushwood
(1) The authorised officer may authorise‚ the owner or occupier of
(a) a mountain reserve to cut or remove-
(i) dead or dying trees; or
(ii) live trees of small size in coppice, for the purpose of improving the growing rock in the mountain reserve;
(b) a river reserve to cut or remove trees for-
(i) building a bridge;
(ii) making a road or establishing a path;
(iii) obtaining convenient access to a stream;
(iv) replanting the land.
(2) The authorised officer may impose such conditions on the grant of an authorisation
under subsection (i) as he thinks fit, including section 8-
(a) to enable forest officers to exercise proper control over the operations;
(b) as to the security to be furnished by the owner or occupier for the payment
of expenses incidental to any control exercised under paragraph (a);
(c) concerning the replanting of the land.

(3) The owner of a mountain or river reserve may destroy cuscuta creeper growing
on the reserve and may, in the presence and subject to the directions of the authorised officer,
lop off the branches of trees where such a course of action is necessary to destroy the cuscuta

9 Planting of reserves
Where a mountain or river reserve is-
(a) uncultivated;
(b) cultivated in such manner as to cause soil erosion;
(c) unoccupied and the owner cannot be ascertained,
the authorised officer may cause the land to be planted or replanted in such manner as he 'thinks fit.

10 Trees bordering roads
(1) Except with the written authorisation of the authorised officer, no person shall destroy a tree on a road reserve.
(2) The authorised officer may, with the written consent of the owner of land bordering a road reserve, plant one row of trees along each side of the road reserve In such manner as he thinks fit.
(3) Except with the consent of the owner of the building or land, as the case may be, no tree shall be planted within
(a) 10 metres of a building;
  1. one metre of a boundary between the property of different owners.
(4) (a) Subject to paragraph (b), no person shall damage or, except with the written approval of the authorised officer, cut or remove a tree growing or planted within 2 metres of either side of a road.
(b) Paragraph (a) shall not affect the power of a person to cut trees under-
(i) the Electricity Act;
(ii) the Public Health Act;
(iii) the Roads Act; and
(iv) the Telephone Act;

11 Destruction of trees in unsurveyed forest
(1) No person shall destroy a tree on forest land which is-
  1. adjacent to land belonging to or claimed by the crown;
  2. in the possession of or claimed by the curator; or
  3. adjacent to a mountain reserve,
unless the forest land has been surveyed under the Land and Surveyors Act and its boundaries as determined by the survey, are clearly marked out and defined on the spot.
(2) No offence under subsection (1) shall be committed by the owner of the land
Where he cuts or marks trees for the purpose of defining the boundaries of the land if-
(a) he has given prior written notice of his intention to the Chief Surveyor
(b) no more damage is done to the trees than is necessary for the purpose.
12 Powers of search, seizure and arrest
(1) Any forest officer or police officer, the chief Surveyor, the authorised officer, or the owner or occupier of the land on which an offence is committed, may, without warrant arrest any person found committing an offence under this Act.
(2) Any forest officer or police officer, the Chief Surveyor or the authorised officer
may at all reasonable hours enter-
(a) Crown land, forest land or any reserve;
(b) any land adjacent to Crown land, a mountain, nature or river reserve;
(c) any land which it may be necessary to cross in order to reach Crown land, a mountain, nature or river reserve.
(3) Any forest officer or police officer or the owner or occupier of the land, who finds any animal, other than game, on Crown land, a mountain, nature or river reserve may seize and impound the animal.
(4) Any animal seized and impounded under subsection (3) shall be dealt with in the
manner specified in section 4 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.
(5) The authorised officer or any forest officer may, at all reasonable hours, enter any premises where wood is kept and inspect the premises and the wood found on the premises.
(6) Where in the course of an inspection under subsection (5), the authorised officer or any forest officer has reason to believe that the wood kept on the premises has been obtained in contravention of this Act, he may seize and remove the wood.
(7)Any wood seized under subsection (6) and in respect of which a conviction for an offence under this Act ensues shall be forfeited unless the court, on being satisfied that the wood was obtained or removed from any land, other than crown land, without the knowledge of the owner or occupier, orders that the wood be returned to the owner or occupier of the land
(8) Any forest officer or police officer may, for the purpose of this Act, stop any vehicle carrying forest produce and
(a) where the driver or any person in charge of the vehicle fails to comply with an order given to him by the forest officer or police officer shall commit; or
(b) where the forest officer or police officer has reason to believe that an offence is being or has been committed in contravention of act with respect to forest produce carried by the vehicle, ha may seize and remove the forest produce.
(9) Any cattle, vehicle, implement or forest produce found in the possession of any person who contravenes this Act may be seized and taken to a police station and the officer in charge of the station shall retain them at such place as he thinks fit for production in respect of any prosecution for an offence under this Act

13 Certificate of authorised officer
In any prosecution for an offence under this Act, a certificate signed by or under the authority of the authorised officer relating to-
(a) the fact that the alleged offence was committed on Crown land, a reserve or a national forest or
(b) the value of any forest produce or damage caused, shall be‚ evidence‚ of the facts stated in the certificate.
14 Offences
(1) No person shall-
(a) plant a mountain or river reserve‚ or cause the reserve to be planted, otherwise
than with fruit trees, forest trees or crops approved by the authorised officer;
(b) cultivate a mountain or river reserve otherwise than in accordance with any directions that may be given by the authorised officer;
(c) without the written authority of the authorised officer build any structure on a mountain or, river reserve.
(2) No person shall-
(a) without the written authority of the authorised officer or in the case of forest land, the owner-
(i) introduce any article or thing injurious to plant life onto Crown land forest land or a mountain, river or nature reserve;
(ii) be in possession of a firearm or an implement on Crown land, forest land or a mountain, river or nature reserve;
(iii) depasture any animal or allow any animal to graze on Crown land, forest land or a mountain, river or nature reserve;
(iv) damage, destroy, dig or remove any forest produce on or from Crown land, forest land or any reserve or be in possession of any forest produce so damaged, destroyed, dug or removed;
(iv) act negligently or maliciously in a manner which causes or is likely to cause soil erosion;
(b) deposit or throw any rubbish, article or thing of a dangerous or offensive nature on any Crown land or reserve;
(c) introduce any plant or animal into a nature reserve;
(d) light a fire in a nature reserve without the written authority of the authorised officer;
(e) in any way interfere with a nature reserve or damage any feature on a nature reserve;
(f) be in a national forest, between 6 pm and 6 am;
  1. plant, cultivate or intentionally spread or propagate cuscuta creeper; or
  2. damage or interfere in any way with a protected plant on any Crown land or reserve.
(3) Any person who, without the authority of the authorised officer-
(a) marks any forest produce or affixes on any forest produce a mark used by a forest officer to indicate that the forest produce is the property of Government or that it may be lawfully cut or removed;
(b) alters, obliterates, removes or defaces any stamp, mark, sign or permit used by a forest officer;
(c) alters, obliterates, removes or defaces any stamp, mark or sign appearing on any forest produce;
(d) covers any tree stump on Crown land, forest land, a reserve or a road reserve with brushwood or earth or by any means conceals, destroys or removes a tree stump; or
(e) wears any uniform, badge or other mark issued to be worn by a forest officer, shall commit an offence
(4) Any person who contravenes this Act or any subsidiary enactment made under this Act or any direction given by the authorised officer shall commit an offence.
15 Penalties
(1) Any person who commits an offence for which no penalty is otherwise expressly provided shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 5000 rupees and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 24 months.
  1. The court before which a person is convicted of an offence shall, in addition to any penalty imposed-
(a) order the forfeiture to the Government of-
(i) any article or thing used in connection with the commission of the offence; and
  1. any forest produce which is the object of the offence;
(b) order the offender to pay 5 times the value of the forest produce in respect of which the offence was committed, or such sum as it thinks fit for the repair of, or as compensation, for damage or loss caused by the commission of the offence;
(c) in the case of a conviction under section 14(1) and (2)la) and 16) order the offender to remove, within such time as may be specified by the court-
(i)the plant cultivated or structure built on the mountain or river reserve
(ii) the article, thing or rubbish introduced, deposited or thrown on the Crown land or reserve.
(3) Any animal, article or thing or forest produce forfeited under this Act shall be disposed of in such manner as the authorised officer thinks fit.
(4) Any person who fails to comply with an order made under subsection (2)(c) shall commit an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding 5,000 rupees and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years.
(5) The court before which a person is convicted of an offence under subsection (4) may, in addition to any penalty imposed, authorise the authorised officer to remove the plant, structure, article, thing or rubbish at the expense of the offender.
[Amended 1/86]
16 Jurisdiction
(a) section 114 of the courts Act; and
(6) section 72 of the District and Intermediate courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act,
a Magistrate shall have jurisdiction to try an offence under this Act and may impose any penalty
provided by this Act.
17 Regulations
(l) The Minister may make such regulations as he thinks fit for the purposes of this Act.
(2) Any regulation made under subsection (1) may provide for-
(a) the taking of fees;
(b) the amendment of schedules.
18 Repeal
The following enactments are repealed-
(a) the Forests and Mountain and River Reserves Act;
(b) the Woods and Forests Act;
(c) the Rodrigues Bois Noir Timber Regulation 1939;
(d) the Rodrigues Forests Regulations 1882.
19 Transitional provision
Where, at the commencement of this Act, any land already under the cultivation of sugarcanes becomes part of a mountain or river reserves, the Minister may direct that the Owner or occupier of the land may, notwithstanding this Act, continue to cultivate the sugar cane for a period not exceeding 3 years.
20 Commencement
This Act shall come into operation on a day to be fixed by Proclamation.
(section 2)
Port Louis and Calebasses Ranges
These ranges lie in the districts of Port Louis, Moka, Pamplemoussess and
Flacq and form boundary lines for these districts.
The peaks in these ranges are Mount Ory, Pouce, Pieter Both, Deux
Mamelles, de la Decouverte and Motte a Thérèse.
The spurs in these ranges are Pailles, Signal, Citadel, Pretres, Longue Bon-
amour and Nicolière.
These ranges shall be deemed to include the mountains Rempart and
The base line of these ranges shall.-
(a) in the district of Port Louis, be a horizontal contour line 45.72 metres
above mean sea level;
(b) in the other districts, follow the following roads; the Trunk Road
from the point to which it crosses St. Louis stream to its junction
with the Port Louis to Moka and Grand River South East Road at
Mount Ory, then along this road to its junction with the Bois Chèri
Road, then along this road to its junction with the Rivière Baptiste
Road; along this road to its junction with the Crève Coeur Road
near Napoléon Bridge; then along Crève Coeur Road to its junction
With the Victoria Road; then along this Road to its junction with the
Old Calebasses Road: then along the Old Calebasses Road to its
junction with the Higginson Road; then along Higginson and Brisée
Verdière roads to their junction with the Port Louis-Central Flacq
Road: then along that road towards Villebague and following Old
Villebague Road to the Pamplemousses Road; then along Pample
mousses Road to Bazire Bridge on the boundary of the district of
Port Louis.
2. Mont Piton
3. Montagne Fayence
4. Montagne Blanche
5. Petit Malabar
6. Grand Malabar
7. Corps de Garde
8. Candos Hill
The base fine for the mountain ranges numbered 2 t0 8 shall be in each
case the nearest surrounding public roads.
The base line for this range shall follow Rivière Papayes till its junction
with Rivière du Rempart; thence following Rivière du Rempart till it
meets the Black River Road; then along the Black River Road till this
road meets the Tamarin River; thence up the Tamarin River to its source.
Tamarind and Terre Rouge Ranges
On the sea the base lie shall be the Coast Road, commencing at the
Tamarind River and ending at Grande Rivière Noire; thence up Grande
Rivière Noire to its source on the South side; and up to Tamarind River
and its source on the North side. On the East side the base line shall be
the public road between Henrietta mill and Tamarind Falls mill.
11. Rivière Noire and Morne Brabant Ranges
The peaks in these i-anges are Morne Sec, Rivière Noire, Laporte, Canot
and De Fouge.
On the sea side the base line shall follow a horizontal contour fine
45.72 metres above mean sea level, from its intersection with the Grande
Rivière Noire in the North, in a southerly direction till its intersection with
the Baie du Cap River; it shall follow up the main stream of Baie du Cap
River above the point where the river is called Baie du Cap; it shall follow
the course of the main tributary passing through Chamarel Estate; the
remaining base line shall be Grande Rivière Noire and its tributary the
Grande Gorges Stream.
Savanne Range
On the sea side the base line shall follow a horizontal contour fine
182.88 metres above mean sea level. After this line running East cuts the
course of Savanne River, the base line turning inland shall follow the
course of the main stream of this river up to its source. When the horizontal
contour line of 152.40 metres running West along the Coast cuts the course
of Baie du Cap River it shall turn up that river and follow its course in the same manner as that specified for the Rivière Noire Range.
13. Perruche
The base line shall be a horizontal contour line of the same attitude as the water level of the Mare aux Vacoas.
14. Bambous and Creole Ranges
The peaks of these ranges are Hollandais, Negresse, Bambous and Grand
River South East.
The spurs of these ranges are Old Grand Port, Lion and du Diable.
On the sea side between the rivers Creoles and Grand River South East
the base line shall be a horizontal contour line 182.88 metres above mean
sea level. Thereafter it shall follow the course of the streams of these two
The reserve line for these ranges shall in no case, however, have a less
altitude than 365.76 metres above mean sea level.
15. Lagrave and Chevillard or d'Auvillard Ranges
The peaks of these ranges are Lagrave, La Selle and Table a Perrot.
The base line for these ranges shall be on the Southern side, the Rivière
des Creoles and its tributary Eau Bleue to its source and on the Northern
side Grand River South East along its course up to its source.
16. Montagne Chaumont
The base line shall be the Plaines Wilhems Road at the thirteenth milestone.
17. Montagne Pauline
This Mountain is situated in the District of Grand Port near former Cluny
Railway Station.
The base line shall be the River Beemanique on the West and South sides,
and the River Eau Bleue on the East and North Sides.
18. Montagne Dalais
This mountain is situated in the District of Grand Port in the cent Gaulettes
The base line shall be the River Eau Bleue and the Rivière des Creoles.
19. Montagne Maurice
This mountain is situated in the District of Flacq. The Grand River South
East separates it from Bambou Mountain range.
The base line shall be on the South, Grand River South East and on the
West, North and East the nearest public road.
20. Mountain Vernon
This Mountain is situated in the District of Grand Port.
The base line shall be on the West and South the River Beemanique, on
the East and North the nearest public road.
The altitude of the base line for all mountain ranges shall in no case be
less than 45.72 metres above mean sea level.
(section 2)
Perrier (1.50 ha)crown Forest Block No. 52 bounded as follows:-
Towards the East by a line on 137.46 metres between stones NR 1
and NR 2.
Towards the South by another line on 36.27 metres starting from stone NR 2
to store NR 3.
Towards the West by Rivulet Cogliano to stone NR 4.
Towards the North by a road from Chemin Maingo to Crown land de
Rauville on 160.63 metres from stone NR 4 to stone NR 1.
Macchabée- Bel Ombre (3.611 ha.) bounded as follows:-
Towards the North, from stone NR 3 on the summit of Tamari'n Range by a
line running along the boundary of Crown Lands Saint Francois and Boucher-
ville on 1070.45 metres to stone ^ by the remaining portion of Crown Land Mare
Longue on 487.68 metres to stone ^ 4, by Crown Land Quessy on 1356.35 metres
up to store ^ 5 by the remaining portion of Crown Land Sainfray a straight
line running in a southerly direction on 765.96 metres up to stone NR L, by
the southern boundary of crown Land Sainfray on 570.28 metres up to stone
NR 2; thence by a straight line across Crown Lands Florin, Desgranges and
Laing up to its junction with two forest roads, then by another forest road
running in an easterly direction to " Les Mares " Branch Road on a developed
length of 868.67 metres,
Towards the East by " Les Mares " Bianch Road on a developed length
251,46 metres up to feeder Peche, thence by feeder Peche up to stone NR 7
thence by the surplus of Crown Land Maudave (Terrain Raoul) on a straight line
of 894.27 metres measured between store NR 7 and NR 1 near River du Poste,
thence along River du Poste up to its junction with Grand Bassin road, along
Grand Bassin Road up to its junction with " Les Mares " Branch Road on
928.71 metres along " Les Mares " Branch Road up to its junction with boundary line
928.72 separating the District of Plaines Wilhems and Savanne and thence
along this boundary line up to Government boundary stone ^ 35, at the
summit of the Black River Gorges, thence along a straight line running between
stone ^ 35 and ^ 31, thence by Crown Land Les Mares on a line broken into
five parts measuring respectively 761.99 metres between stone 31 and
stone ^ 32, 1052.15 metres between stone ^ 32 and stone ^ 33, 135.63 metres
between stone ^ 33 and stone ^ 25, 149.35 metres between stone 25 and
stone ^ 24, 789.12 metres from stone ^ 24 to the crest of Mt. Cocotte.
Towards the South by the crest of Mt. Cocotte up to stone ^ 26 thence
Mountain Reserves Bolgerd on a line broken into three parts measuring
respectively 769.51 metres between stone ^ 26 to stone^ 27, 227.07 metres
between stone ^ 27 to stone ^ 28, 2047.61 metres between stone 28 to
stone ^ 29 (store WF 73), thence by the property of Bel Ombre Sugar Estate
on a line broken into two parts measuring respectively 822.03 metres from
stone WF 73 to store WF 74 and 1095.94 metres from stone WF 74 to stone
WF 75, thence along Rivulet Jacobie up to stone WF 59, thence again by
the property of Bel Ombre S. E. on a line broken into two parts measuring
respectively 1874.18 metres between stone WF 59 and stone WF 60 and
2132.07 metres between stone WF 60 and .stone WF 61
property of Bel Ombre Sugar Estate on a line broken into two parts measuring
respectively 822.03 metres from stone WF 73 to stone WF 74 and
1095.94 metres from stone WF 74 to stone WF 75, thence along Rivulet Jacobie
up to stone WF 59, thence again by the property of Bel Ombre S. E.
on a line broken into two pans measuring respectively 1874.18 metres
between stone WF59 and stone WF 60 and 2132.07 metres between stone
WF 60 and stone WF 61.
Towards the West by privately owner land (Abondance Estate) on a line
broken into two pans measuring 717.79 metres between stone WF 61
and stone WF 62, 558.69 metres between stone WF 62 and stone WF 63,
thence partly by Abondance Estate and partly by Crown Land Fantaisie
on a line broken into two parts measuring 633.97 metres between stone
WF 63 and stone WF 64, and 1362.43 metres between stone WF 64 and
stone WF 65, thence by the property of Bel Ombre S.E. on a line broken
into five parts measuring respectively 574.84 metres from stone WF 65 to
WF 66,564.48 metres from stones WF 66 to WF 67, 1014.66 metres from
stone WF 67 to WF 68, 316.99 metres from stone WF 68 to WF 69, 231.64
metres from stores WF 69 to WF 70, thence along the boundary of
Crown Land Coin du Mouchoir on 934.80 metres between stones WF 70
and WF 71, thence by Crown Land St. Denis on 720.23 metres up to
stone WF 72, thence along the boundary separating Crown Lands Mesliers
and St. Denis up to its junction with Ligne Buguth, thence along Ligne
Buguth in a westerly direction up to Black River Escarpment. Thence along
trie top of Black River Escarpment to its intersection with a straight line
running through the top of Macchabée and Bris Fer spurs and thence by a
straight line to stone NR 3/ 1.

3. Corps de Garde (90.33 ha-Crown Forest Block No. 211 bounded as
Towards the North and East by the crest of the mountain.
Towards the South by the crest of the mountain.
Towards the West by Canal La Ferme and by Crown Land La Ferme on
a line broken into 14 parts measuring respectively from the Canal 60.96
metres to stone MRL 4,320.95 metres to stone MRL 5,189.89 metres to
stone MRL 6,139.60 metres to stone MRL 7,173.43 metres to stone
MRL 8,171.90 metres to stone MRL 9,408.12 metres to stone MRL 10,172.51
metres to stone MRL 11,196.90 metres to stone MRL 12,209.70 metres to
stone MRL 13,240.18 metres to stone MRL 14,164.89 metres to stone
MRL 15,232.25 metres to stone MRL 16 and 380.99 metres to stone
MRL 17.
4. Pouce (68.80 ha)-Crown Forest Block No. 1555 bounded as follows:-
Towards the North by a mountain Spur.
Towards the East by the crest of the Pouce Mountain.
Towards the South by another mountain Spur.
Towards the West by a line measuring about 1447.77 metres from one Spur
to the other.
5. Cabinet (17.73 ha) Crown Forest Block No. 60 bounded as follows:-
Towards the East by Le Cabinet belonging to the Central Electricity Board
on a line broken into two parts measuring respectively 457.19 metres and
480.36 metres.
Towards the South by land of the Central Electricity Board on a line
broken into four parts measuring respectively 96.01 metres, 129.84 metres,
120.40 metres and 71.93 metres.
Towards the Noah and West by Crown Land and lards belonging to the
Central Electricity Board on a line broken into three parts measuring
respectively 49.07 metres, 760.15 metres and 350.51 metres.
Combo (206.84 ha.) -bounded as follows :-
Towards the North-by surplus of Crown Land Combo on a line starting
from the crest fine of Savanne Range and running along an existing path
and along a road to the escarpment of River Savanne, thence in a straight
line running in a North easterly direction to River Savanne.
Towards the East-by River Savanne from the above mentioned point down
to its junction with the Southern boundary of Crown Land Combo at
stone 54.
Towards the South-by private property (Surinam Estate) in a straight line
from stone 54 to stone 55 on the crest line of Savanne Range.
Towards the West-by private property on a line running along the crest
line of Savanne Range from store 55 to the starting point.
Les Mares (5.10 ha) (Part of Crown Land Les Mares and part of Crown
Land Gouly Pere) bounded as follows:-
Towards the North-by the surplus of Crown Lands "Les Mares" and
Gouly Pere", a forest road between, on a developed length of one thousand
and seventy two feet or 326.7 metres.
Towards the East-by the surplus of Crown land "Gouly Pere" on a
straight line measuring four hundred and ten feet or 124.9 metres.
Towards the South-again by the surplus of Crown Lands "Les Mam"
and "Gouly Pere" on a straight line measuring seven hundred and sixty
seven feet or 233.7 metres and
Towards the West-by the surplus of Crown Land "Les Mares" on a line
broken into three parts measuring respectively three hundred and sixty
eight feet or l12.1 metres, eighty eight feet or 26.8 metres and three hundred
and fifty five feet or 108.2 metres.
8. Gouly Pere (1095ha) (Part of Crown Land Gouly Pere and part of
Crown Land Declerc) bounded as follows:-
Towards the North-by the surplus of Crown Land "Gouly Pere" a forest
road between, on a developed length of one thousand three hundred and
eighty one feet or 420.9 metres.
Towards the East-against by the surplus of Crown Lands "Gouly Pere"
and "Declerc", a forest road between, on a developed length of six hundred
and eighty nine feet or 210.0 metres.
Towards the South-by the sinuosities of a water course (an affluent of
Rivulet des Chevrettes) and
Towards the West by part of the boundary line separating Crown Land
"Declerc" from Crown Land "Gouly Pere" on a length of ninety rive feet
or 28.9 metres and also on a straight line measuring six hundred and
seventy six feet 206.0 metres.
9. Bois Sec (5.91ha) bounded as follows :-
Towards the North-from a point situated at the intersection of the ridge
of Bob Sec Mountain and the straight line joining stones WF 50 and WF 51
along the ridge of Bois Sec Mountain on a developed length of 600.45
metres to a stone marked M.R.L.
Towards the East-by a straight line measuring 168 feet or 51.21 metres.
Towards the South-by seven straight lines measuring respectively 60.04
metres, 84.43 metres, 174.04 metres, 53.03 metres, 81.69 metres, 122.53
metres and 48.16 metres.
Towards the West-by a straight line measuring 60.96 metres.
10. Ile Ronde
11. Ilot Gabriel
12. Ile Plate
13.Coin de Mire
14. Ilot Marianne
15. Ile aux Aigrenes
16. Ile aux Cocos
17. Ile aux Sables
18. Ile aux Serpents.
(section 2)
1. All indigenous orchids (Orchidées)
2. Ochna mauritiana (Bouquet banane)
3. Hornea mauritiana (Arbre a l'Huile)
4. All Diospyros species (Ebène)
5. Sideroxylon grandiflorum
6. Cordyline mauritiana
7. All Tambcurissa species (Bois Tambour)
8. All Trochetia species (Boucles d'oreilles)
9. Erythroxylon laurifolium (Bois de ronde)
10. All indigenous ferns (Fougères)
(section 2)
Grand River N. W. Terre Rouge;
Des Plaines Wilhems; (below the bridge
at Highlands S. E.);
Du Mesnil (below Abbé‚ de la Caille
Sèche ( below junction of Rivulet Poule D'eau )
Du Rempart ( below junction of River Cogliano )
Isnard; Quirin
Ducray (from boundary of Highlands
and Trianon).
Du Mesnil (below junction of Feeders
du Mesnil I and II; Pasquet).
Sèche (below Crown Land Joachim)
Gros Cerf
Poule d'Eau, Lamy
Papayes (below junction of Feeder Good
Des Aigrettes
Eau Bleue ( 8 metres reserves in underground course on eau bleue
and Cluny Estates
Rivière Du Poste (Savanne)
Rivière Citron
Bois Martin (down the bridge at Highlands Sugar Estate )
Sèche (du Rempart Grand Tatamaka);
Petit Tatamaka St Martin
Seligne; Cap Martin
Rouge; Pave
Legoff; Augustin; Gros Piquet;
Bigaingnon; Cresson
Osterlog; McGregor (below junction of Feeder Boule Seneque)
R. Casse Couteux
Labourdonnais (below junction Rivulet Ripailles,
Des Calebasses
Rose (below junction Rivulet Duhamel)
Pamplemousses or Citrons (from Arsenal
to the sea)
Du Rempart
Eau Blanche
Crève Coeur; Rivalland; Ripailles, Labourdonnais
Duhamel (below junction Feeder Les Mariannes)
Villebague; Bocquée (below Feeder
junction Hawoldar) Congomat (below
junction Feeder Champion)
Citron (from Reilly Dyke to Arsenal bridge); Constance; Pamplemousses
Praslin; California; Nicolière Jamblon;
Chevrettes (Coquinbourg); Chevrettes
(Mon Songe)
Figet (between the two dykes of
Ile d'Ambre)
Coignard, Du Poste de Flacq
Francoise (below Cascade Praude)
Grand River South East
Profonde ( below Cascade Boeufs on Etoile Estate)
Rivière du Rempart
Rivière du Bois
Rivière Boucan or Francoise
R. Cere (has 8 metres reserves from
Bassin Lou-Loup (Union Regnard) to
upper boundary of Bonne Mere
St Louis; Pondard (From }La pluie;
source to the crossing } Thorel
of its water course by } (Junction
the La Nicolière Feeder } of Feeder Marianina)
Bon Espoir (below Tramway bridge on
Belle Vue Estate); Grande Barbe;
Pont Blanc or Beau Bois; Francoise
(below Terre Coupée Bridge)
Sèche of Flacq
St Louis
Camaron (below Dyke); La Louise
De la Hogue (below Cascade);
Profonde (from Source at Petits
Paquets to Cascade Boeufs).
Chevrettes on Olivia Estate
St Martin
Terre Rouge; Grand Fond.
R. Jamblong
R. La Digue
R. Eau Rouge
R. Pastourel
R. Bois de Natte
R. Maurice (below Feeder l'Hospital)
Du Boucan or Francoise (below Cascade
on Melrose Estate)
Maurice (below junction feeder L'Hopital)
Francoise } Clement; St Martin (five
(above } Colin property).
Cascade } Jacquart (five metres
on Melrose Estate }on Colin property);
Blanc (on Sans Souci Estate);
Vacoas (on Sans Souci Estate)
Du Rempart; Chevrettes; Pharla
Du Bois (on Sans Souci Estate)
Betty (below junction R. Mare Brune)
Doudy at Midlands (below junction of
Rivulet Planche) Francisque; Twinam
(flowing in Crown Land); Plateau (flowing
in Crown Land).
Grand River South East
Bois Claire (below Tramway Bridge);
Pastourel; l'Eau Rouge; La Digue;
Train (Midland).
Cimetiere (below Feeder Tamousky)
Bois de Natte; Marron
Midlands; Citron MidlarJds.
Dimanche, Mare Hildwert, Mare Brune;
Cascade (below junction of F. Denude)
Midlands Estate)
Doudy (above junction Planche); Man-
R. St Louis (below bridge on Moka
R. Pitot
Grand River North West (Moka
Gland River North West. (from junction
Terre Rouge and Plaines Wilhems).
Profonde (below Alma Reservoir).
Grand River North West, Terre Rouge.
Tatamaka (below junction Rivulet
Aubert (junction F. Charly)
Terre Rouge
Pondard (from source to Goorah's Property
Chaillei; Agrement
Balmana; Baptiste (junction F. Charlot)
Ripailles; Cresson (below Crève Coeur
Profonde (above Alma Reservoir)
Canet (below Mon Desert Reservoir);
Dickson; Mare Bouillie (junction F.
Desvaux); Pont Bon Dieu (below
Valetta Road).
Tatamaka; Magrapoule, Magando;
Simathe (below junction F.
Francois (below junction F. Pendu)
Monple (junction R. Monple)
Edgar (junction F. Jumelle); Monple;
La Scierie (on Belle Rive Estate, Moka)
Nyon (on Femey Estate)
River Champagne, (Le Vallon Estate,
Grand Port)
Anse Jonchée
Grand Fond
Malgache; Thrèse (junction F. La Hache); Terre Rouge; Grosse Feuilles
or Dubois Des Delices.
Tranquill (below Mare Chicose Bridge);
Michel (junction F. Sans Souci); Dalaid
Cochon (junction F. At Cent Gaulette)
River des Creoles
Gros Ruisseau (St Hubert Rivulet)
River des Creoles (up to junction Grande Cressonnière thence River eau Bleue)
Eau Bleue ( 16 metres reserves from source; 8 metres from underground course Eau Bleue (Glunny Estate))
River La Chaux
Bee Varangue
Bee Manique
Tabac (below main road of Escalier Village)
Du poste ( de la Savanne); ( Grand Port )
Sejourne Baptiste (junction F. Michel)
Clair; Hareeman
Betty (St Hubert)
Lovard (junction F. Victor)
Tombeau Gabriel on le Val Estate (Cent Gaulettes) Grande Cressonnière { Perrot G. Duval Phaeton Petite Cressonière Jupiter }
Osterlog; Mc Gregor (below junction
of F. Boulle); seneque
Copeaux; Beau Dèsert
St. Martin (below junction F. du Rempart;
Claire de la Pompe (below junction F. Marron) { Mapou Junction F. Shunting }
Terre Glaise (below junction eau Bleue)
Gr. Ruisseau
Panier; Daniel; Victoire;
Morel. Casse Couteaux (on Nouvelle France Estate) { Canonade}
Theriau; Latour; Matangue ( Savanne)
St. Armand (below main road to Savannah,
Dragon (below junction Feeder Dragon
Dragon (below junction F. Charnpac
Grand Savanne)
River des Anguilles Songe (junction
Rt. Bour)
Gros Ruisseau (junction Feeder Augustin)
St Armand
Sevelit; Bon Accueil (junction F. Arnouses)
Songe (junction Rt Dupon); Bohler
(junction F. St. Leger); Bour;
Pellegrin(junction F. Renaud)
De Gaye (junction F. L'Hopital); Pipe
(junction F. Nadal)
Parc; Marron; Gros Ruisseau; Beau
Bois (below junction F. Enterrement)
Bain des Negresses (Source to Terre
Coupée): Combo
Hippolyte; Songe Blanc (below junction
F. Beewa); Faduilhe (between
junction F. Fontaine)
Michel (below Calimaye)
Fayd'herbe; Jacquot
La Foret (below junction F. Verdoie)
Alexandre (below junction F. Vanille)
Antoine (below junction Tendrac)
Ruche, Ste. Marie (below junction
Jacotet (above junction R. Cherie);
Poulailler (below junction of F.
L'Etang); Des Creoles (below
junction Bois Carre); Ignace
R. Panier
R. Daniel
R. Victoria
R. Casse Couteaux
River de la Savanne; Des Chevrettes;
Palmiste (below junction F. Hillcock)
River des Gallets, Fayd'herbe (below
junction Rivulet Jacquot)
La Foret (below junction F. L'Esport);
Mme Bell
Jacotet (below junction River Cherie)
Citronnier (below junction of F. Chapeau)
Rivière du Poste (Savanne)
Rivière Baie du Cap
Rivière Canal (below feeder junction
Rivière St. Denis (below junction
Rivière Pont Cassé
R. Minguel
R. Canal
R. Catherine
R. Pont Cassé
R. St. Denis

River St. Denis (below junction Rivulet
Pont Carré)
Viande Salée (below junction Rivulet
St. Denis (below inaction Pont Cassé‚)
Nourice (below junction Rivulet Peche)
Grande Rivière Noire
Des Gallets
Belle Islle
Belle Eau
Lavilleon (below F. Anguiles )
Lousteau (below junction F. Ruche) { Caverne Tabac junction F. Mouna }
Cachette (below junction Perline); Vally (belowJunction Avoine); }Plaine Verte
Viande Salée }St Felix
Nourrice (below junction F. Darrick);
Pèche (below junction F. Natte);
Vanille (below junction Vanillon)
St. Patrice
Petite Rivière Noire (below Cascade
Petites Gorges (below Bassin Déjeuner)
Boucan (from a point 600 metres below
la Coupée Main Road)
Rivulet Ignace
Eau Bonne; Vaudagne
Grand River North West
"Pouce Stream"
St. Louis Pitot
Latanier (Vallée des Pretres)
Terre Rouge
Tranquebar (exclusive of canalised part)